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Salesforce Internship Coding Questions Guide

Salesforce Internship Coding Questions Guide 2024

Salesforce offers one of the most coveted internship programs in the tech industry. For aspiring software engineers and tech enthusiasts, landing an internship at Salesforce can be a significant step in their career. Understanding the interview process is crucial to prepare effectively and stand out among the numerous applicants.

In this blog, we will learn about 

  • General interview process for Salesforce Internship
  • Different types of Salesforce interview coding questions
  • Examples of questions and solutions for Salesforce interview

The General Structure

The Salesforce internship interview process typically follows a multi-stage approach to assess a candidate’s technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. 

Here’s a breakdown of the general structure:

    1. Application Review: The journey begins with your application, which includes your resume, cover letter, and, sometimes, a portfolio of relevant work. Salesforce recruiters look for candidates with strong academic backgrounds, relevant skills, and extracurricular activities demonstrating leadership and a passion for technology.
    2. Online Assessment: After a preliminary phone or video screening, qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview. Although behavioural inquiries are often uncommon, this interview is primarily focused on technical matters. Your technical skills, experiences, and previous projects may be the topics of inquiry during the interview. It’s a chance to show how passionate you are about the work and how well you can communicate.
    3. Phone or Video Screening: The meat and potatoes of the Salesforce internship interview process are the technical interviews. It is common practice to conduct one or more technical interviews with candidates. The ability to code, solve problems, and comprehend data structures and algorithms are all significantly weighted in these interviews. With a whiteboard (for in-person interviews) or a shared coding environment (for virtual interviews), you may be asked to solve coding issues in real-time.
    4. Technical Interviews: This is where the core of the Salesforce internship interview process lies. These interviews focus heavily on coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding data structures and algorithms. You might be asked to solve coding problems in real time, either on a whiteboard (in-person interview) or in a shared coding environment (virtual interview).
    5. Final Interview: Some candidates attend a final interview that emphasizes behaviour and team fit. Here, you can ask questions regarding the position and the company’s culture, and the hiring team can answer any concerns you may have.

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Preliminary Rounds: Online Assessments and Phone Screenings

Before reaching the intensive coding interviews, online assessments and phone screenings are necessary preliminary rounds. They gauge a candidate’s basic technical abilities and communication skills. Performing well in these rounds is essential to advance to the more challenging technical interviews.

Types of Coding Questions Asked in Salesforce Internship Interviews

Salesforce’s internship interviews are known for their challenging coding questions, designed to test a candidate’s technical prowess, problem-solving skills, and coding efficiency.

Nature of Coding Questions

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms: A significant question revolves around data structures and algorithms. Candidates should be well-versed in fundamental data structures (like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs) and algorithms (such as sorting, searching, recursion, and dynamic programming).
  2. System Design: For more system design questions that might be included for positions or candidates, system utilities assess candidates’ ability to design scalable, efficient systems and may involve discussions about databases, APIs, and cloud services.
  3. Practical Coding Challenges: Salesforce also has real-world scenario-based practical coding challenges. Candidates’ ability to use their programming knowledge to address real-world issues is evaluated by these questions, which are frequently associated with Salesforce’s offerings.

Typical Question Types or Topics

  • Array Manipulation: Questions involve sorting arrays, finding duplicates, or merging sorted arrays. Understanding array indexing and iteration is crucial.
  • String Processing: These questions could include string manipulation tasks like finding substrings, reversing strings, or string transformation based on specific rules.
  • Algorithmic Challenges: Classic algorithmic tasks, such as finding the shortest path in a graph, putting tree traversals into action, or fixing dynamic programming issues, could be given to candidates.
  • Problem-Solving with Data Structures: Using datA common theme is using cures like hash tables, heaps, or binary trees to solve complex problems in the world
  • Scenarios: Applying data structures and algorithms to solve problems that mimic real-life scenarios, such as optimizing a sales process or customer relationship management system.

Focus on Programming Languages or Technologies

  • Salesforce does not typically restrict candidates to specific programming languages. However, proficiency in languages like Java, Python, C++, or JavaScript can be a plus.
  • Understanding Salesforce’s technology stack, like Apex (Salesforce’s proprietary Java-like programming language) and Salesforce Lightning, can be an advantage but is usually not required for internship roles.
  • Familiarity with web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and database management (SQL) can also be helpful, given Salesforce’s cloud-based product offerings.

Also Read – How To Get Salesforce Internship?

Example Coding Questions and Solutions for Salesforce Internship Interviews

Here are some hypothetical coding questions that represent your challenges in a Salesforce internship interview. These examples reflect the general style and complexity of questions you might face without disclosing proprietary Salesforce interview content.

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Example 1: Array Manipulation

Question: “Given an array of integers, write a function that moves all zeros to the end of the collection while maintaining the relative order of the other elements.”

Solution Approach:

  • Traverse the array, and for every non-zero element, swap it with the first zero element found.
  • Please keep track of the position of the first zero element and increment it each time a swap is made.

Example 2: String Processing

Question: “Write a function to check if two given strings are anagrams of each other.”

Solution Approach:

  • Check if the lengths of the strings are different; if so, they cannot be anagrams.
  • Count the frequency of each character in both lines.
  • Compare the frequency counts of both lines to determine if they are anagrams.

Example 3: Algorithmic Challenge

Question: “Implement a function to find the nth Fibonacci number.”

Solution Approach:

  • Use dynamic programming to build up to the nth Fibonacci number.
  • Store the computed Fibonacci numbers in an array to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Return the nth element of the collection.

Example 4: Data Structure Utilization

Question: ” Implement a function that checks if a given linked list has a cycle.”

Solution Approach:

  • Use two pointers: a slow pointer and a fast pointer.
  • Move the slow pointer by one step and the fast information by two degrees in each iteration.
  • If the linked list has a cycle, the fast pointer will eventually meet the slow information.

Example 5: Logical Problem Solving

Question: ” Given a set of numbers, find if there is a subset that sums up a specific target.”

Solution Approach:

  • This is a classic example of a problem that can be solved using dynamic programming.
  • Create a 2D array to store the solutions of subproblems.
  • Use the concept of including or excluding each number to reach the target sum.

Example 6: Basic Algorithm Implementation

Question: ” Write a function to perform a binary search on a sorted array.”

Solution Approach:

  • Implement binary search by dividing the search interval in half each time.
  • If the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the break, narrow the interval to the lower half. Otherwise, check it to the upper half.
  • Repeatedly check until the value is found or the gap is empty.

Example 7: Efficiency Optimization

Question: ” How would you optimize the retrieval of the top k elements from a large dataset?”

Solution Approach:

  • Implement a min-heap or use a priority queue to keep track of the top k elements.
  • Iterate through the dataset, adding features to the heap and ensuring it never exceeds size k.
  • This approach maintains a time complexity of O(n log k), which is efficient for large datasets.

Example 8: Practical Application Scenario

Question: ” Design a simple rate limiter for an API.”

Solution Approach:

  • Discuss using a fixed window counter or a rolling window log approach.
  • Implement a counter that resets or logs requests with timestamps after a specific period.
  • Ensure the API rejects requests that exceed the rate limit.

Example 9: Recursive Problem Solving

Question: ” Write a function to calculate the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence using recursion.”

Solution Approach:

  • Implement a recursive function that calls itself to calculate the previous two numbers in the sequence.
  • Ensure that base cases are included when n is 0 or 1.
  • Discuss the potential inefficiency of this approach due to repeated calculations and how it can be optimized using memoization.

Example 10: Array and Sorting Challenges

Question: ” Given an array of integers, write a function to sort the collection in a wave-like pattern, i.e., arr[0] >= arr[1] <= arr[2] >= arr[3] <= arr[4] >=…”

Solution Approach:

  • First, sort the array in ascending order.
  • Then, iterate through the sorted array and swap every adjacent pair of elements.
  • This approach ensures the required wave-like pattern.

Example 11: String Manipulation and Analysis

Question: ” Implement a function to find the longest palindrome in a given string.” 

Solution Approach:

  • Use a dynamic programming approach where a 2D table stores whether a substring is a palindrome.
  • Fill the table and keep track of the longest palindrome found.
  • Discuss the time and space complexity of this approach.

Example 12: Practical Data Structure Usage

Question: ” Design a data structure that supports the following operations: insert, delete, getRandomElement. All functions should be performed in constant time.” 

Solution Approach:

  • Use a combination of a hash table and an array.
  • The hash table stores elements and their indices in the array.
  • The array allows constant time access to elements.
  • For getRandomElement, use the array to access an element randomly.
  • Ensure that insert, delete, and getRandomElement operations maintain the data structure’s integrity and operate constantly.

Related Read – General Salesforce Internship Interview Questions


As you prepare for your interview for the Salesforce internship, keeping an upbeat attitude is essential. Remember that your internship preparation is a journey of personal and professional growth, not merely a means to an end (getting the internship). 

For those looking to refine their skills and gain an edge in their Salesforce internship journey, saasguru offers a unique and personalized learning experience. Through saasguru’s Salesforce labs, you can engage in mini-projects that provide real-time validation of your code and configurations. These projects are tailored to simulate actual Salesforce scenarios, offering you an opportunity to learn and progress confidently at your own pace.

Whether you are focusing on admin roles, development tasks, or preparing for intricate interview scenarios, saasguru’s structured and step-by-step approach can significantly bolster your readiness. 

With saasguru, you can move beyond second-guessing and waiting for confirmation, stepping into a world of confident and informed progress.

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