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Deloitte Salesforce Developer Interview Questions & Answers

Deloitte Salesforce Developer Interview Questions & Answers 2024

Deloitte, a leading professional services firm, is known for its rigorous interview process, especially for roles like Salesforce developer. To join Deloitte’s Salesforce team, it’s crucial to prepare for the specific Deloitte interview questions Salesforce candidates face, ensuring you navigate their thorough process with confidence.

Here’s what we’ll explore in detail:

  • Technical Coding-Related Interview Questions and Answers: Understanding the nuances of Salesforce coding challenges that Deloitte might pose. 
  • Scenario-based Questions and Answers: Tackling practical situations with the analytical acumen that Deloitte values in potential candidates.

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Technical Coding-Related Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. How would you write an Apex trigger for automating the process whenever a new Contact is created that assigns it to an existing Account based on a custom field value?

To tackle this task, you’d write a before insert trigger on the Contact object. The trigger would iterate over the incoming Contacts, use a SOQL query to find the matching Account based on the custom field, and then associate the Contact with that Account. Remember to bulkify the trigger to handle multiple records and avoid SOQL queries inside loops to prevent governor limits issues.

Here’s a simplified version of what the code might look like:

trigger AssignContactToAccount on Contact (before insert) {

    Map<String, Account> accountMap = new Map<String, Account>();

    for (Contact contact : Trigger.new) {

        accountMap.put(contact.Custom_Field__c, null);


    // Bulk SOQL query to retrieve matching accounts

    for (Account acc : [SELECT Id, Custom_Field__c FROM Account WHERE Custom_Field__c IN :accountMap.keySet()]) {

        accountMap.put(acc.Custom_Field__c, acc);


    for (Contact contact : Trigger.new) {

        Account matchedAccount = accountMap.get(contact.Custom_Field__c);

        if (matchedAccount != null) {

            contact.AccountId = matchedAccount.Id;




Q2: Craft a SOQL query to retrieve all Closed Won Opportunities with a total value greater than $1 million within the last fiscal quarter.

The query will need to filter based on the Opportunity stage, amount, and the close date fields. Here’s how you could structure it:

SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate, Amount 

FROM Opportunity 

WHERE StageName = ‘Closed Won’ 

AND Amount > 1000000 


Q3: Write a test class for an Apex class that includes a method to update a custom field on all Opportunity records related to an Account.

A test class must be written to ensure that the method behaves correctly when updating the Opportunities. The test class should create test data for Accounts and Opportunities, invoke the method, and then assert that the Opportunities have been updated appropriately.


private class TestOpportunityUpdater {

    @isTest static void testUpdateOpportunities() {

        // Create and insert an Account

        Account testAcc = new Account(Name=’Test Account’);

        insert testAcc;

        // Create, set values, and insert Opportunities

        Opportunity opp1 = new Opportunity(Name=’Opp 1′, StageName=’Prospecting’, CloseDate=Date.today(), AccountId=testAcc.Id);

        Opportunity opp2 = new Opportunity(Name=’Opp 2′, StageName=’Prospecting’, CloseDate=Date.today(), AccountId=testAcc.Id);

        insert new List<Opportunity>{opp1, opp2};

        // Call the method to test


        // Query the updated Opportunities

        List<Opportunity> updatedOpps = [SELECT Custom_Field__c FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId = :testAcc.Id];


        // Perform the assertions

        for (Opportunity opp : updatedOpps) {

            System.assertEquals(expectedValue, opp.Custom_Field__c);




Q4: Describe how you would implement a Batch Apex class to update Opportunities that have been inactive for over a year.

Batch Apex is ideal for processing large data sets since it allows you to define a job that can be divided into manageable chunks, thus avoiding governor limits. The class would implement the Database.Batchable<SObject> interface and typically include three methods: start, execute, and finish.

Here’s a simple structure of what that class might look like:

global class InactiveOpportunitiesBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {

    // The start method defines the scope of records that will be processed

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        return Database.getQueryLocator([

            SELECT Id, LastActivityDate

            FROM Opportunity

            WHERE LastActivityDate <= :Date.today().addYears(-1)

            AND IsClosed = false



    // The execute method does the actual work – it’s called once for each batch of records

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> scope) {

        for (Opportunity opp : scope) {

            // Set some field on the Opportunity to mark it as inactive, for example

            opp.IsActive__c = false;


        // Perform the update DML operation outside the loop

        update scope;


    // The finish method is called after all batches are processed

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        // You can send an email notification, write to a log, etc.



To execute this batch class, you would initiate it in Apex using the Database.executeBatch method, specifying the batch size according to your needs.

Q5: Explain your approach to prevent hitting governor limits in a complex Salesforce trigger.

In Salesforce, Apex triggers must be designed carefully to avoid hitting governor limits, particularly when dealing with large sets of data. Here’s how you can avoid these limits:

  1. Bulkify Your Code: Write triggers that can handle multiple records at a time.
  2. Optimize Queries: Make sure SOQL queries are outside of for-loops and are selective using indexed fields.
  3. Limit DML Operations: Accumulate records to update or insert in a list and perform DML operations outside of for-loops.
  4. Use @future or Queueable: For operations that can be done asynchronously, use @future methods or Queueable Apex to offload processing.
  5. Static Variables: Use static variables to ensure code within the trigger does not execute multiple times.
  6. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to catch and manage exceptions without reaching governor limits.
  7. Test and Monitor: Always test your triggers under expected data volumes and monitor them using the Limits class.

Q6: How can you perform a long-running operation on Salesforce records without impacting the user experience?

In Salesforce, operations that take a long time to complete can be executed asynchronously to ensure they don’t affect the user experience. Asynchronous execution can be achieved through various methods, including:

  1. Future Methods: Mark methods with @future to run them asynchronously.
  2. Batch Apex: Handle large data sets by breaking the operation into smaller batches.
  3. Queueable Apex: Similar to future methods but provides more flexibility and the ability to chain jobs.
  4. Scheduled Apex: Execute a class at specified times.

Here’s an example of a future method that performs an operation asynchronously:

public class LongRunningOperation {


    public static void performOperation(Set<Id> recordIds) {

        List<Account> accountsToUpdate = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :recordIds];

        // Long-running operations here

        // …

        update accountsToUpdate;



Q7: What is a trigger framework and why should you use one in Salesforce development?

A trigger framework in Salesforce is a structured, organized way of writing triggers that promotes code reusability and maintainability. It helps in managing the complexity that comes with having multiple triggers on the same object. A trigger framework typically involves a single trigger per object that delegates the logic to handler classes. This separation of concerns makes the code cleaner and easier to test.

Here’s a basic example of a trigger framework pattern:

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) {

    AccountTriggerHandler handler = new AccountTriggerHandler();

    if (Trigger.isBefore) {

        if (Trigger.isInsert) {


        } else if (Trigger.isUpdate) {

            handler.onBeforeUpdate(Trigger.new, Trigger.oldMap);



    // similarly handle after insert, after update, etc.


Q8: What are the best practices for writing test classes in Apex?

Writing effective test classes in Apex is crucial for ensuring code quality and functionality. Best practices include:

  1. Test all Use Cases: Cover both positive and negative scenarios.
  2. Use Test Data: Utilize @testSetup to create test records once and use them in multiple test methods.
  3. Avoid Hardcoding IDs: Create test data within test classes instead of relying on existing data.
  4. Assert Results: Use System.assert(), System.assertEquals(), and System.assertNotEquals() to validate outcomes.
  5. Bulk Test: Ensure your code works with a single record as well as with bulk records.
  6. Check Governor Limits: Use Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() to reset governor limits and to test asynchronous code.
  7. Use Descriptive Method Names: Make it clear what each test method is intended to validate.

Q9: What design patterns are frequently used in Apex and can you give an example of one?

Design patterns are repeatable solutions to common problems in software design. In Apex, some frequently used design patterns are:

  1. Singleton Pattern: Ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
  2. Factory Pattern: Creates objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.
  3. Decorator Pattern: Adds new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure.
  4. Strategy Pattern: Enables a method to be selected at runtime.

An example of the Singleton pattern in Apex:

public class SingletonExample {

    private static SingletonExample instance;

    private SingletonExample() {

        // Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation.


    public static SingletonExample getInstance() {

        if (instance == null) {

            instance = new SingletonExample();


        return instance;



Q10: How do you handle null values in Apex to prevent null pointer exceptions?

Handling null values is critical to prevent runtime exceptions. In Apex, this can be achieved by:

  1. Null Checks: Always check if a variable is null before accessing its properties or methods.
  2. Safe Navigation Operator (?.): Introduced in Winter ’21, this operator safely navigates relationships without throwing a null pointer exception.
  3. Using Default Values: Assign a default value if a variable is found to be null.

Example of a null check with the safe navigation operator:

Account acc = [SELECT Id, Primary_Contact__r.Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :someId];

String primaryContactName = acc.Primary_Contact__r?.Name;

if (primaryContactName != null) {

    // Do something with primaryContactName


By implementing these practices, you can write robust Apex code that gracefully handles null values.

Scenario-Based Questions and Answers

Q11: A client wants to ensure that only the most recent Opportunity record for each Account is marked as ‘Primary’. How would you automate this in Salesforce?

To automate this, I would use an Apex trigger on the Opportunity object. The trigger would fire on the after insert and after update events. It would query for existing Opportunities related to the Account, ordered by the creation date or a custom ‘Priority’ field. The trigger would then mark all others as non-primary and update the latest as ‘Primary’. I would also incorporate bulk trigger best practices to handle multiple records efficiently.

Q12: An integration is sending over large volumes of data to Salesforce, and you notice it’s causing governor limit issues. What steps would you take to resolve this?

First, I’d review the integration’s batch size to ensure it’s within Salesforce’s bulk operation limits. Next, I’d optimize the code for bulk processing, possibly by implementing batch Apex to process large data sets asynchronously. I’d also look into using @future methods or Queueable Apex for operations that don’t need to be processed immediately, thus avoiding synchronous limit issues.

Q13: How would you design a Salesforce solution to track and manage custom feedback received from multiple channels?

I’d create a custom object for Feedback with fields to capture various data points. I’d then utilize Salesforce’s omnichannel capabilities to integrate different feedback channels. Automation tools like Process Builder or Flows would be used to route feedback records to the appropriate teams. Reports and dashboards would be set up for analytics and trend monitoring.

Q14: You are tasked with designing a complex approval process that involves multiple departments with dynamic approval steps. What approach would you take?

I would leverage Salesforce Approval Processes with dynamic approval routing. Using custom metadata or custom settings, I could store departmental approval hierarchies and use Apex to dynamically generate the approval steps based on the record criteria. I would also build in flexibility to accommodate changes in the process or hierarchy.

Q15: The Sales team wants a real-time leaderboard on their Salesforce homepage to incentivize performance. How would you build this?

For a real-time leaderboard, I’d recommend a Lightning Component that utilizes the Streaming API to push updates to the leaderboard as they happen. The component would display data from a custom object that aggregates sales figures, and it would use SOQL queries to retrieve and display the ranking of Sales team members.

Q16: How would you implement a system to auto-assign new leads to sales reps based on their current workload and expertise within Salesforce?

I’d set up a custom lead assignment mechanism using Apex. It would consider the number of open leads already assigned to each rep and their areas of expertise, which could be stored in custom fields or related objects. This logic would be executed whenever a new lead is created, ensuring a balanced and intelligent distribution of leads.

Q17: You’re asked to ensure data quality by preventing the creation of duplicate records in Salesforce. How do you tackle this?

Salesforce offers duplicate management rules that I would configure to identify potential duplicates upon record creation or update. If more complex criteria are needed, I would create an Apex trigger to check for duplicates against a set of predefined conditions before allowing the record to be saved.

Q18: A client needs to sync their external inventory management system with Salesforce in real-time. What solution would you propose?

I would propose using Salesforce’s External Services to create a direct connection to the client’s inventory management system API. This allows for real-time communication between the two systems. If the external system supports outbound messaging, that could also be a viable approach to ensure synchronization happens as changes occur.

Q19: The marketing team wants to automatically segment contacts into different campaigns based on their interaction history. How do you automate this in Salesforce?

Marketing segmentation could be automated using a combination of Salesforce’s Process Builder and Apex. I’d create criteria in Process Builder to trigger an Apex class that segments contacts based on their interaction history, stored in custom objects or fields, and then enrolls them into the appropriate campaigns.

Q20: Describe how you would build a feature in Salesforce to allow customers to schedule appointments, which must then be approved by staff.

I’d use a combination of custom objects for appointment scheduling and Salesforce’s Approval Process to handle the approval by staff. Customers could schedule appointments via a Salesforce Community, and staff could approve them directly within Salesforce, ensuring a streamlined process.

Q21: A sales team wants a Salesforce automation that notifies the account manager via email whenever an Opportunity reaches the “Negotiation” stage but hasn’t been updated in 7 days. How would you implement this?

To address this scenario, I’d utilize Process Builder to create an automation process. The process would trigger when an Opportunity’s stage changes to “Negotiation.” I’d then add a scheduled action to send an email alert to the account manager if the Opportunity record has not been updated within 7 days. This ensures timely follow-ups on critical negotiations without manual tracking.

Q22: Your client requires a custom Salesforce solution to manage warranty claims within their service department. Each claim must be automatically assigned a unique case number and categorized based on the product type. How do you approach this?

For automating warranty claim management, I’d recommend creating a custom object for warranty claims in Salesforce. Using Apex triggers, upon the creation of a new claim, a unique case number would be generated and assigned using a sequence or an algorithm that ensures uniqueness. Additionally, the trigger could categorize the claim based on the product type by referencing a predefined set of rules or a decision matrix stored in custom metadata types, allowing for dynamic categorization as the client’s product line evolves.

Q23: Imagine a scenario where Salesforce users need to view a consolidated report of their top 10 customers by revenue, updated daily. However, the calculation involves complex logic not supported directly by Salesforce reports. What solution do you propose?

In this case, I’d utilize a combination of Apex scheduled jobs and custom objects. I’d write an Apex class that performs the complex revenue calculations, aggregates the top 10 customers, and stores the results in a custom object designed to hold this summary data. The Apex class would be scheduled to run daily. Then, I’d create a Salesforce report based on the custom object, ensuring users have access to the updated top 10 customers by revenue each day.

Q24: During a Salesforce Lightning Component development, the client requests a feature that allows users to drag and drop files into the component for upload, but they’re concerned about the security implications. How do you ensure the security of this feature?

To secure the drag-and-drop file upload feature in a Lightning Component, I’d implement client-side file type validation to restrict uploads to allowed file types, reducing the risk of malicious file uploads. On the server side, I’d use Apex controllers to further validate the file type and scan for viruses or malware using Salesforce’s native security features or third-party APIs before saving the file to Salesforce. Additionally, ensuring that files are stored securely and access is controlled through Salesforce’s robust security model (using sharing rules and permission sets) will address the client’s security concerns.

Q25: A client wants to introduce a gamification layer within their Salesforce system to increase user engagement. They’re interested in tracking activities like logging calls, updating opportunities, and completing tasks, with points assigned to each activity. How would you design this system?

To implement gamification in Salesforce, I’d create a custom object to track user activities and points. Each record in this object would represent an instance of an activity completed by a user, with fields to capture the activity type, points awarded, and the user who completed the activity. I’d use Apex triggers on relevant objects (e.g., tasks, opportunities) to create records in the custom object whenever a qualifying activity occurs. For the gamification logic and point calculation, I could use a combination of Process Builder and Apex, depending on the complexity of the rules. Finally, I’d develop a Lightning Component or Visualforce page to display leaderboards and points summaries to users, enhancing engagement through visibility and competition.

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Wrapping Up

In Salesforce development, the leap from good to great hinges on your ability to tackle complex issues with innovative solutions. The technical and scenario-based Deloitte interview questions Salesforce candidates encounter are designed to do more than test knowledge; they offer insight into your strategic thinking and problem-solving prowess.

Deloitte’s interview is meticulously crafted to sift through the crowd and pinpoint thinkers and doers. That’s where you pivot, transforming preparation into your powerhouse with the right set of tools.

Consider saasguru’s Salesforce Labs as your secret arsenal. It’s where theoretical puzzles find their practical play. Think of it as your personal dojo for the Salesforce battleground, providing a rich terrain of scenarios that echo the real-world chaos and creativity of Salesforce deployments. It’s for the trailblazers eager to merge learning with innovation, ensuring that when the moment comes, you’re the candidate who doesn’t just answer questions—you redefine them.

So, if you’re ready to not just engage but captivate and conquer in your next tech interview, let saasguru’s Salesforce Labs be the catalyst. Here, you’re not just preparing; you’re gearing up to make an impact.

Dare to be different. Let saasguru guide your next smart move.

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